Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Bonanza! Mythical Legends and Friends

Hello! We were so honored to play the Holiday Party at our favorite Brooklyn shop, Park Delicatessen in Prospect Heights. Seriously, go there and buy some awesome stuff, cause all their stuff is that. Awesome. What else is awesome? Yule. Yule is the original Christmas, the Pagan celebration that honors this dark and cold time of year and brings the light inside. We worked hard to get our song about Yule ready in time for the show, which we did, and would like to share with you. We also performed our explorational movement piece to the classic "Silent Night." Here it is:

'Tis the time of the greatest darkness and the longest night of the year
Vanquish of the Holly King, the god of the waning year
Queen of the cold darkness giving birth to the child of promise
He is reborn of the goddess and the dying Solar year

The Yule wheel turns, the Yule log burns
This Solstice night, bring dark to light
Red and green, White and gold
Cinnamon, Mistletoe....

The sleigh is the Solar chariot, the horns of the horned god
The land of Shadows
Where death in life becomes life in death
We wish ye health and grace
We wish ye health and grace

Holly on the altar, ashes from the pine
Invite brightness inside
Toasts of cider, ale and wine
Ring the bells it's Christmas time...

..and Hannukah too. As well as Kwanzaa.

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us and to Park Deli for being so rad and to the Universe for bringing it all together. Happy Yule!

Top photo by the beautiful Danielle Post

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Yule!

Hello friends! It's been a while...but we have been hard at work and have something very special to share with you. In honor of this blessed season upon us, we have been inspired by the Holiday classic Silent Night. Everyone knows this song and can sing along, but few dare to capture the true spirit of this song through movement and exploration of space. Until now.....

But it wasn't easy. Dedication. Perseverance. Practice. Beer. For your viewing pleasure, we are also including this video of the dress rehearsal. Why? Because we're Mythical Legends. That's why.

Our gift to you. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Soldiers In a Bunker: Recipe Alert!

Hi. We're back. With a new and improved recipe to share. Soldiers In a Bunker! A perfect addition to your fall/winter appetizer selections. Enjoy!

And we are working hard on some new tunes.

November 19th, Saturday. Lit Lounge on the Lower East Side. 9pm. More on that show later...

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Here!

Our City Lover music video:

Thanks to Pablo Beau Rendon, our friend and director, for putting this together. Much Love!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pianos 7/12

This is a photo our friend Danielle took at the show last night. We played the upstairs bar at Pianos in the city with our bff's Crawl Babies. It was a really magical night and is such an endless treat to be able to play music for people. We have another show this Friday the 15th at the amazingly wonderful Park Slope bar Freddy's. Come!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mythical Legends 6/14 show at Lit Lounge

We had a great time playing last night at Lit. There was such a nice vibe in the room. Our beautiful friend Niqui made this movie of our Mermaid song. Here it is!:

Sunlight streaming through the water led me to you
I rise up, you see me the moon is high, you see me

Take me for a swim
go where you go
I follow free
how long I don't know

He doesn't know, he doesn't know
It's a long way down
It's a slow goodbye
It's a long way down
just to say goodbye

For more show details and to see the performances of Doom Trumpet and Thurlow, which are both excellent check out Poppy's blog here!

Video Prep Time!

Behind the scenes getting ready for our City Lover shoot. Can't wait to share it with you guys!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Jerome John "Jerry" Garcia
August 1, 1942 – August 9, 1995

Jerry is one of Mythical Legends first songs ever. It is about Jerry Garcia and his missing finger, which was accidentally chopped off by his brother with an ax when he was 4 yrs old. It is also about Jerry being a Mythical Legend. Legends are real. We've recorded it for you and as a tribute to him. The lyrics are below, so feel free to sing along.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry
Only your brother knows
where your finger goes
and our love it grows

misunderstood and so alone
writing your songs
and life, it's too long
so we hit the bong and wait
for them to understand,
Jerry it's your plan
and we follow we go
Jerry we wait for you
and in a year or two
Skeletons from the Closet will be shown

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry
Only your brother knows
where your finger goes
and our love it grows
We miss Jerry.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mythical Legends Back In Action

This is a picture Poppy's mom took of us at our favorite restaurant. We're friends.

Get ready for this video! Bug took the camera for a fun little journey at the Clubhouse to introduce you to all the animals and their crazy ways. She's a professional. Plus a glimpse into a ML jam session as we work on one of our new songs. We're getting ready for our cosmic world tour of the future. You should too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Music Makin'

We played a show at Trash Bar last night with our friends Mikal Evans and Sarah Renfro, it was a treat to open up for them. Bad ass ladies.

Here are a couple videos of us playing. Flower Song and Color. You can watch them on Poppy's YouTube site too if you like.

Thanks so much to everyone who came, it was nice.

Friday, February 11, 2011

ML Winter Shoot!

Our buddy Eric Luc is a bad ass photographer. We saw some of his beautiful portraits and when he asked if we might want to do a shoot with him we were like........."ummm....yeah."

We all agreed that including night and snow would be a really nice idea for our picture and after a couple reschedules because of crazy schedules and crazy blizzards we finally all met up a couple nights ago in the park and did this:

Tania and I were prepared to be out in the snow and cold for like hours trying to get a good shot, but I'm pretty sure this was the first one he took. After about 5 minutes he was like "Ok, I think we're done; I got it." And we were like "Really? Ok." Then he explained that oftentimes what takes the longest in a shoot is trying to bring the personality out of people and capture the character. Apparently, we don't have this problem so much. Go figure. Happy to share it with you, what do you think?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our Friends..

At our very first show ever last February we were approached after our set by Hadako who was in New York with her band Girlfriend from Japan. She took a photo with us and said nice things about our music then gave us a cd. They fucking rocked. We recently got back in touch with her to inquire about how things were going for Girlfriend over in Japan. She said she had started a new band called Extra Virgin Soo. They are a girl ninja band. ummm...what? Yeah.

And then this is cool too.

We are working hard guys. Lots of exciting stuff on the Mythical Horizon. We like you.