Friday, February 11, 2011

ML Winter Shoot!

Our buddy Eric Luc is a bad ass photographer. We saw some of his beautiful portraits and when he asked if we might want to do a shoot with him we were like........."ummm....yeah."

We all agreed that including night and snow would be a really nice idea for our picture and after a couple reschedules because of crazy schedules and crazy blizzards we finally all met up a couple nights ago in the park and did this:

Tania and I were prepared to be out in the snow and cold for like hours trying to get a good shot, but I'm pretty sure this was the first one he took. After about 5 minutes he was like "Ok, I think we're done; I got it." And we were like "Really? Ok." Then he explained that oftentimes what takes the longest in a shoot is trying to bring the personality out of people and capture the character. Apparently, we don't have this problem so much. Go figure. Happy to share it with you, what do you think?